Thursday, October 13, 2016

HW for Week 7

Hey Class, so here is the Homework for week 7:

1. Make sure to read chapter 5 of Slaughterhouse 5. It's only one chapter, but its a beefy one, and it's a really important one for the story.

2. Based on the prompt from the previous post, choose an injustice (whichever you feel the most drawn to) and think about what subject you want to focus on. Then, for the sake of preparation for Weds in class essay, write a thesis statement (detail an "injustice", and tell me why it is a problem). Or don't, but the draft you write in class NEEDS A CLEAR THESIS STATEMENT so form one over the weekend

- It would be wise of you to also make a brief outline of your argument's paragraphs so that you have a skeleton of what you want your essay to consist of. Pre-writing will not be required for this essay, although it would definitely influence my grading of your paper if you chose to draft some and turned them in with the final product

THEN, find a newspaper article or an essay or an excerpt from a book that discusses your "injustice." You are going to be required to use references/quotes from the article on Weds, so make sure you find an article that YOU CAN PRINT UP or PHOTOCOPY. You need to be able to reference the article or essay or book excerpt while writing the essay, so bring the article to class. I will be checking to make sure you printed it out and brought it Weds, and it will be part of the overall grade, so make it happen. 

So the short version of your hw this week:
1. Read
2. Write a thesis for your In Class essay and Print an Article or Essay of some sort to reference in said essay.

Send me your questions

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

In Class Essay (Essay #2) Prompt

Essay #2 Prompt (in class):

There are social injustices everywhere in today’s culture, and it is very hard to look past any of them. That said, some injustices are still swept under the rug and ignored by mainstream media, or skewed in a way that may make the idea unimportant. Think of injustices such as (but not limited to) sexism, racism, ageism, bullying, religious intolerance, political intolerance, or anything else that you find personal stake in and that you think is worthy of a wider discussion. Argue why you think it is an important issue, and talk about what exactly needs to change to help the issue see more light so it can have a chance at someday being diffused. Be as specific as possible. Be as detailed as possible. Be as angry as you like.

Make sure your essay is no less than than two and half full double spaced pages. Essay must have a clear introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email, talk to me to set up an appointment for office hours, or flag me down if you see me power walking out of the parking lot and ask me a question then.


I will specify what your hw is for tonight, in preparation for this essay.