This is the Link to the article that I wanted you guys to read/reflect on over the weekend. I chose the LA times one, because it was way better than my original choice. Trust.
Type the response in MLA format
- 12 pt font
- Double spaced
- Times New Roman
- Single Spaced MLA Header in the upper left*:
Students Name
English 101
Short Response #1
Place your Last Name and page number in the top right corner of the page:
Click Insert
Page Number
Top Right
Then double click the number to add your last name
Type at least a full page (since you're going to have a header) but more than a page is definitely encouraged.
For the reading, consider these ideas and questions as you respond:
What is the Coalition To Preserve L.A., and what is the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative? Is it something that you support? Why or why not?
Many supporters of development argue that Los Angeles is in the midst of a housing crisis; they argue that we need more condos because more people need places to live.
- Is there an issue when all of the housing being built can only be afforded by the most wealthy, and not the community that already lives there?
- What is gentrification?
There are many very talented engineers and architects (like Frank Gehry, to name a great) who aren't being allowed to develop their visions because of the Coalition's, Initiative:
- Is there a part of rebuilding urban areas that is important for the success of a community? Is redevelopment always bad?
These are some of the questions and ideas that you should be considering as you develop your short response to the content of the LA Times Article. A good method for responses would be to pick one or two of the ideas/questions, and respond to them in nicely organized paragraphs. If you feel like quoting from the article, please do. It will only give you more interesting stuff to talk about.
Remember to proof-read for common typo and grammar stuff. If you don't proofread, I promise I will be able to tell; the the, or freind will not go unnoticed.
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