Saturday, September 24, 2016

Essay #1 Rubric / Sample Conclusion

Hey Everyone!
Hope the writing is going well. 

Here is the Rubric that I'll be basing your grade on. If you feel lost, if you just follow the modeling that we've done in class, you will have a very solid start. 

Organization - 25

Clear Thesis - 10

Mechanics - 10

Content / Argument Built with examples and sources - 25

Using at least two quotes/paraphrases from the article you are referencing - 5

MLA Style / Paragraph Format - 15

Outline and Prewriting Items - 10

Total Points Possible: 100

Sample Conclusion:

I also remember mentioning something about modeling conclusion paragraphs, so I'll show you the type of Conclusion paragraph I think is appropriate for this type of essay:

If I were to have written my essay about the influence of New Media on my community, and I'm arguing that it is a complete detriment to our society. 

My argument would then include a background about how new media has effected society over all,

then a paragraph about the effects on the younger generations, specifically.

(remember to mimic the ideas and language of your Intro / Thesis statement, then just send the reader off.)

      Even in consideration of the few benefits that new media offer our communities, it is startlingly clear that social media is damaging new generations. Cell phones and computers have caused people to disconnect from one another and the world around them. This is occurring across age groups, but it is most clear among the younger generations; we've seen a shift from social and "outdoors" oriented children, to those who would rather stay inside and stream a show, or see who's TBHing them on Instagram. Hope isn't lost though, since we still retain the luxury of free choice, so it's important that parents and those around kids, encourage a less disconnected lifestyle. Remind new generations that you came from an older time before the Matrix was real life, and outside was still good for skateboarding and riding bikes. It's up to us to stop the disconnect while we still have a chance to.    

This paragraph simply recaps the stuff that I just focused on, and ends with a little bit of the way that I like to write. Like I said, the Intro and the Conclusion are the places where you can be the most creative. I'm not adding any new information (because were assuming that all the things that I talk about were already talked about in one of the Body Paragraphs above).

And It doesn't have to be this long either. I just like to talk, and write. Just recap your argument, and talk about what's next. That's it. (Shoot for Three-Five Sentences)

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