Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Homework for Week 3 / Re-cap of formatting Expectations

Hey guys. I'm going to start reading your outlines tonight so I can give you advice as you work on your drafts. You not having your outlines checked before you start writing your drafts is a little problematic, so I'm going to send you emails specific to your argument as you work on this week's hw. And the hw is:

1. Write a complete rough draft of Essay #1 for Next Weds

That's a draft that includes the three major parts of an essay:

- Hook
- Background
- Link to your subject
- THESIS statement
Body Paragraphs
- Topic Sentence
- Example
- Explanation
- Explanation
- (conclusion/transition)
- Restate bulk of the argument
- Tell the reader what to do next, or why they should care, or just finishes the essay with a thoughtful idea that puts the finishing (usually dramatic) touches on your essay.

And every quote is set up in a sandwich:
- Attribution (Bread)
- Quote (Pastrami)
- Explanation (Pickles)
- Explanation (Bread)

These DO need to be typed since Wednesday's class depends on that, so make sure you set aside enough time to get them printed up.

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